How To Find Saved Reels on Facebook?

How To Find Saved Reels on Facebook?

Are you eager to know a great way to find your interesting, entertaining, or valuable saved Reels on Facebook? Saved Reels is a wonderful feature of the popular social media platform Facebook which allows you to save videos you find and watch later. Although not unheard of; the method used to find them has not been widely discussed.. Once a reel is saved, users have the option to ‘edit’, ‘share’, or ‘save’ them also. But what happens when you post a video and are not sure where to access it again? What if you wanted to edit it, or share it to another public platform? In this article, I will be explaining the process of how to find saved reels on Facebook. So, be advised, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to the ‘how do I find saved reels on Facebook?’ query, as the answer really depends on where and how a user accesses Facebook, and which device they are using (web, mobile, or tablet).

What are ‘Saved Reels’? 

Saved reels (also known as Facebook video reels) are a feature which allows you to record, edit, and upload short video clips of up to one minute in length to your News Feed or Profile. Much like Instagram stories, they are a short, snapshot-like way to capture memorable moments of your lives to share with family and friends. These saved reels on Facebook allow you to relay news, share experiences, or just give people a glimpse into your life that is accessible from anywhere.

Where Can You Access Your Saved Reels? 

There are a variety of ways in which you can access your saved reels. Primarily, you can access and share them from the news reel section on the left side of your device and click into the ‘reels’ tab. Another way users can access saved reels is via their ‘Stories Archive’. Although this option is often not immediately visible from the main home page, as it requires scrolling, users are able to access it via their profile page. From there, they can find any saved reels they’re looking for - perfect for users who want to view some nostalgia and ride the memory train. 

What if you Can’t Access Your Saved Reels? 

Make sure your Facebook app is up-to-date

Sometimes problems can arise when opening saved reels in the Facebook app. While there is no specific reason for this, it could be due to an outdated version of the Facebook app. In this instance, it is best to visit the App Store or Play Store and check for updates. What’s more, the app may need re-activation and any errors or warnings must be cleared before you can access your saved reels. 

Check if the app is experiencing any technical issues 

We are all familiar with tech issues from time-to-time and your saved reels could be constricted as a result of a technical issue with the server or your device. To ensure your device is running at peak capacity, check the app carefully for any errors and if required, reach out to Facebook for any expertise or help. Should this fail, it is highly recommended to reach out to your network provider and highlight the issue if needed.

How can you delete Saved Reels? 

Before diving into the process of how one can remove unwanted reels, it’s important to point out the key factors which will have an effect on whether your reel is ‘removable’ or not. Although invisible to the user, your reel will be ‘linked’ to a different space, such as a chat or page within the app which could result in it being undeletable. Additionally, some users may also only have the option to remove reels from specific pages or conversations.

For those users who are technically-savvy, they can access the ‘Advanced Preferences option’ in the Settings tab. After this, they can have an array of choices, such as dissolving comments, restricting advertising platforms, or the option to completely delete reels. To ascertain the accuracy and availability of options, review each reel individually.

How to Be Prepared Before Posting Videos? 

The key takeaway message is to ensure you are constantly ready to respond to any comments, questions, or sometimes directly related inquiries. Instagram stories, like video reels on Facebook, help to strengthen connections as people can be routed in many interesting directions. Therefore, you might want to be prepared for organic conversations emerging from conversations created by reels.

In addition to this, focus on the types of reels you post up. Choosing the ’ Story’ option (outside the news feed) could attract maximum amounts of attention for your reel, but represents full dedication; as an expression, it represents everything which binds you to your friend’s, family’s, and followers’ exchanges.

How to Speak to an Expert? 

Social media is an intriguing field, often providing users with a wide range of updates, developments, and options such as reels, to parade, post, and potentially gain traction in the respective networks they access. To draw a clear advantage, it is recommended to search and research valuable blogs, tutorials, and manuals which provide insightful interpretations, allowing users to better hone their methods of utilizing the tool.

For those users who are struggling to gain ground on the network overall, it is recommended to reach out to experts and converse with them. This can often provide users with a wealth of knowledge, with many offering hacks, tactics, and tricks to navigate the platforms better and make sounder decisions with the limited data and other resources available to them.


In conclusion, the process of how to find saved reels on Facebook can be tricky for some users but can be still be obtained by researching and sorting through a variety of options including “story archive” and ensuring your Facebook app is up-to-date. Should the attempts fail, users can be reassured that professionals adept in the task, who can walk through the process with in-depth analysis, are available to offer assistance should they require. Fortunately, the necessary steps mean that users can watch videos, share stories with peers, and manually select and delete other unwanted content simultaneously.  With the correct know-how, finding reels on Facebook becomes a breeze.

facebook tips saved reels how to find saved reels reels on facebook

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