Can You See Who Views Your Facebook Videos?

Can You See Who Views Your Facebook Videos?

Facebook has recently become a popular platform for viewing and sharing videos. One of the most common questions people ask is—can you see who has viewed your videos?

The short answer is: no, unfortunately you cannot see who has viewed your videos. Facebook does not offer any way to track who has seen a particular video. In fact, Facebook does not actually even include a counter on videos such as there is for posts and photos.

This article looks at why this is the case and explores what other related capabilities Facebook does or does not offer with regard to tracking viewers for your videos.

Why Can't You See Who Views Your Facebook Videos?

Seeing who views your Facebook video content can be a useful way to measure your video's performance and one of the most common questions people have about Facebook and videos is why can't you see who has viewed your videos? The answer to this question actually has a few parts.

First, as previously stated, Facebook does not provide any type of tracking or analytics for videos. This means that there is no way to know who exactly has clicked on and watched your videos, no matter where they are posted.

Second, this is a not uncommon feature on other video sites such as YouTube. The ability to track viewers is considered a premium service, usually only available to those who pay for an upgrade or a subscription. Facebook does not provide any such premium services with regard to their videos.

Third, the lack of a visible counter for Facebook videos means that this data is not readily available. Even if Facebook did provide data tracking capabilities, the count would have to be manually calculated and tracked, making it difficult and time-consuming.

Fourth, this intentional limitation is to help protect users' privacy on the platform. Facebook respects that everyone's privacy is important, and they believe that allowing people to see who has watched their videos could lead to public shaming or embarrassment and will reduce the quality of content shared on the platform. In addition, this policy helps to protect video content creators as people will not have the ability to abuse or manipulate viewership numbers or consume content illegally or without the content creator's knowledge.

Overall, these factors mean that there is no way to determine who has viewed your videos.

Do Facebook Insights Show What Videos Your Followers Watch?

Though Facebook does not provide a way to track viewership of individual videos, it does offer a way to see which of your videos your followers watch.

Facebook Insights is a powerful analytics platform that provides a broad overview of all your Facebook activity. This includes data on Likes, Followers, Reactions, Overlaps, Impressions, and Post Engagement. This data is reported in real-time and broken down by demographics, interests, and gender.

However, Facebook Insights only provides data on the views of videos posted by your page or profile. This means that if you have posted a video on a different page or profile, such as on a friend’s page, you will not receive data for that video. Additionally, Facebook does not include data on views from anyone who has shared or linked to a video, even if they are the same page or profile that posted the video.

Are There Any Other Tools You Can Use To Track Who Views Your Facebook Videos?

While it is not possible for Facebook to offer direct tracking of who has viewed a video, there are a few other tools and services that you can use to gain insight on your video statistics.

One such tool is Reelio. Reelio is a video measurement and optimization platform that connects brands and influencers. It offers video performance data, as well as insights and in-depth analytics. This platform works differently to Facebook Insights, in the sense that it tracks video use and performance across multiple platforms, so it can give you a more complete picture.

If you are looking for more Adobe-specific tracking solutions, you may want to look into products like Adobe Analytics and Adobe Premiere. The former helps you track performance of both organic and social media videos and the latter can help you manage, edit, and monitor the performance of your videos.

These solutions are more sophisticated and can provide a deeper level of data to help you understand performance. However, they often come at a price.


At the end of the day, unfortunately you cannot see who has viewed your videos on Facebook. This is because Facebook does not offer any content tracking ability, and no visible counter on the video itself. There may be a few other services or tools out there that may offer some insight on video performance, but these typically come at a price.

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